

Shadow Caster

“Since the law has only a shadow of the good things to come, and not the reality itself of those things, it can never perfect the worshipers by the same sacrifices they continually offer year after year.”  Hebrews 10:1 (CSB)

What are the things you find yourself doing year after year?  Have you ever pondered that our own worship, like the Israelites of the old Covenant, is complete with shadows that are necessary to help us focus on the great Shadow Caster - Christ Himself? We understand the routine.  Year after year we resolve to do better with great anticipation most often to return to our habits that continue to form us. That’s why I’m excited to study the book of Hebrews with you in our 2025 theme of “Shadow Caster.”  

My hope in 2025 is that we can go past the shadows of the Old Covenant, as well as our New Covenant shadows, and look into the face of the great Shadow Caster - Christ Himself.  In Hebrews 10:1 we find that Jesus is the reality of the shadows both of the Law (First five books of the Old Testament), and of the sacrifices.  Where the Law and sacrifices fell short in completing the worshiper, Christ through life, death, burial, and resurrection succeeded.  It’s His success that should inspire us to make the needed changes in our lives as we remove the habits that hold us back financially, socially, emotionally, and spiritually and forge new habits that improve us in these same areas.  What the rule of the Law lacked, the relationship with Jesus fulfills.

May 2025 not become just another “year after year” that the Hebrew writer speaks of.  May our worship of God come to life as we go beyond our practices and see the practitioner who put all things in motion at the beginning of creation.  May we learn to appreciate His patience and His zealous pursuit of our hearts in spite of our year after year recycled faith.  And may we find the great Shadow Caster ready to illuminate us with His love, His Word, His righteousness, and His Kingly rule over our lives. May we have our worship perfected (made complete) in this season as we discover Christ and all He fulfilled.

Growing with you,

Jeremiah Holcomb

Hello Maple View family.

December has been a whirlwind of a month, but it was even more exciting than it was busy. The youth stepped up in a major way helping with the Children’s Christmas Project, the Teen Dinner before the Christmas play, and with sorting toys at the Bluefield Union Mission. They all worked very hard, and we should all be proud of their efforts and hospitality skills.

The Youth also enjoyed a great night of food, games, word, and worship at the “Birthday Bash for Jesus”, and they are looking forward to the Tennessee Christian Teens Conference January 10th thru the 12th. 

While the Youth will not be returning until the evening on the 12th, we will have both Sunday School and PM services that weekend for the Youth who did not attend TCTC. My lovely wife Heather Vance, and Elder Adam Wimmer will be filling in that weekend to ensure the Youth do not miss an opportunity to encounter and learn more about Jesus. 

We are looking forward to a great January as well as a great 2025 here at Maple View. In January we will get back to “The Sermon on the Mount” and finish it up in February. This year we will also be covering such subjects as “The Fruit of the Spirit”, “Lessons from Matthew”, and more. 

We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us, and are praying for 2025 to be a year that the Youth grow closer to the Lord and grow in Discipleship. 

I want to thank you all for entrusting your children to spend time with us, and to thank you for partnering with us to help you become the disciplemaker of your children. We look forward to continued service with you and wish you all a very happy New Year.


Eric Vance, Associate Minister of Youth

featured mission

Children’s Christmas Project

Tctc dinner & kid’s christmas play

toy sorting

candlelight service

Family sunday


David & Chasity Montang - placed membership on 12-29-2024

50th (plus) Anniversary Recognition

Dan & Debbie Burton

Gene & Jenay Leedy



Jeremiah Holcomb

Eric Vance
Associate Minister of Youth

Linda Ferguson
Administrative Assistant

Adam Maxwell
Media Minister


Roy Pruett

Randall Kendall

Adam Wimmer

Bobby Fox

Ron Shumate

Gene Leedy

  • 12/1 - $6,632

    12/8 - $9,028

    12/15 - $8,672

    12/22 - $15,083

    12/29 - $6,107

    TCTC Dinner - $2,244

    Christmas Eve - $1,532

  • 12/1 - 211

    12/8 - 202

    12/15 - 208

    12/22 - 222

    12/29 - 234

    Christmas Eve - 183